The ministry, vision, and mission of Lighthouse Worship Center is strengthened by our team who are dedicated to
Jesus Christ and also the church.  We are blessed to have each of them partnering with us
Bishop Roger and Susie Fleming
Lead Pastors
Bishop Roger and Susie Fleming are our Lead Pastors. Following the call of God they came to Lighthouse Worship Center in 2006.
Pastor and Susie both have a great love for people and it is their desire to see lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
They also want to help people grow and mature in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to help them find and fulfill their God given gifts so that the Kingdom of God can be advanced through their lives.  
They have two boys:
Joshua(15) and
Andrew (9)
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Pastor Woodard
Associate Pastor
Pastor Curt serves as the Associate Pastor at Lighthouse Worship Center. Pastor Curt has a passion for the Word of God and the church.
In addition to this, he also serves as our adult Sunday school teacher. He is a dynamic teacher who provides great insight, life application and relevance to today in his lessons.
Pastor Curt and his wife Donna are a great team who provide excellent leadership to our local church and to the Kingdom of God.
Pastor Curt also serves on the church and pastor’s council.
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Brother John Henry
Minister of Discipleship
Brother John serves as our Minister of Discipleship.  His love and dedication to the Word of God makes him a great teacher of the Bible.
He brings with his teaching his life experiences which have helped to shape his life allowing God to use him to impact those around him.
Brother John along with his wife Berrell have been members of Lighthouse Worship Center for over 25 years and are a great blessing to the church. You will be blessed by their love and compassion for people, and also their love for God’s Kingdom.
Brother John also serves on the church and pastor’s council.
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Joe and Haley Maynard
Youth Pastors
.Joe and Haley serve as our   New Horizon’s Youth Pastors. They are an amazing couple who love God and want to see young people become passionate for God.
As a young couple, they understand the pitfalls and temptations that confront teenagers and young adults and they strive be a great example for them.
Joe and Haley also have a beautiful baby girl who provides great joy for them. Joe and Haley are raising her to follow Jesus. This is evidenced by the way Quinnly interacts during our services.
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Tom and Becky Logsdon
Children’s Ministry
Becky leads our children in a loving and creative way so that they will have the opportunity to make Jesus their Lord and Savior.
The children also get the opportunity to interact with one another during the teaching and craft time and to be kids for Jesus Christ. Tom and Becky have been at the church over 25 years.
Tom serves on the church and pastor’s council.
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Brenda Thompson
Worship Leader
Brenda is our praise and worship leader who allows the Holy Spirit to guide and direct her not only in the songs she chooses but also in how she sings and leads.
Along with our anointed musicians they lead us into the Holy of Holies where one can have an intimate encounter with God.
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Michal Denny
Koinonia Outreach
Michal Denny leads our Koinonia Outreach Retreat Ministry.  She is dedicated to seeing the 
“Great Commission” fulfilled at Lighthouse Worship Center.
This ministry is Christ and community minded as they seek to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ both in word and action.
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Karen Karrenbauer
Women’s Ministry
Karen leads our Women With A Servant’s Heart Ministry.  She is passionate about giving women the opportunity to see God used in their life.
Karen provides both spiritual and recreational opportunities for women to worship and fellowship with one another.  She is guided by the Holy Spirit and the love she has for all.
Nelles Denny
Men’s Ministry
Nelles leads our Iron Man’s Men’s Ministry.. It is his desire to see the men at Lighthouse Worship Center grow and mature in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
He plans both spiritual and recreational activities for the men to have an opportunity to fellowship with one another.
Betty Glatfelter
Nursery Ministry
Betty has deep love for Jesus Christ and she loves the littlest at Lighthouse as her own. 
Her along with her team of workers make it possible for the parents, caretakers and guardians of these children to be able to enjoy and participate in both the praise and worship and hearing the Word of God.
Kathy Brancart
Media Ministry
Kathy uses her God-given creativity, talents and abilities to enhance praise and worship and also Bible teachings and sermons.
She is dedicated to her relationship with Jesus Christ and wants everyone to have a memorable time in each service.  Her son Dylan is also actively involved in this ministry.
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Kathy McCulley
Shadraq Snack Shack
Kathy is the leader in the first place everyone can have an encounter with the people at Lighthouse Worship Center at our Shadraq Snack Shack.
She provides a great time of fellowship and refreshments from 9 AM-9;50 AM. We invite everyone to join us for this vital ministry. Her niece Karen is also involved in this ministry.
John and Darlene
Homeless Ministry
John and Darleen have a passion for this ministry.  God brought them both from being homeless to serving in this ministry so that they can both feed then help people find the necessary help to get into a better situation.
John and Darleen are very caring and loving peoplo who also love Jesus and live to be used by HIM both inside and beyond the four walls of the church.
Dan and Kathy
Building and Lawn Maintenance
Dan and Kathy both have a servant’s heart and live to see the Kingdom of God advanced.
Dan helps in the area of maintenance and building upkeep and Kathy works on the outside of the church by weeding and planting flowers and beautifying  the church grounds. 
Dan and Kathy have been at the church over 25 years.
Dan also serves on the church and pastor’s council.
Carol Unger
Intercessory Prayer
“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16
Intercessory Prayer is a vital ministry at Lighthouse Worship Center.  Carol along with her team of prayer warriors share a passion for prayer and caring about the needs of others.
This ministry prays thirty minutes before each service and intercedes on behalf of the church on a daily basis.